



玛格丽特黄平君 took studying abroad one step further than simply attending classes. She wanted to start breathing in the culture and the business world in a new country as soon as she stepped off the plane.

“当我做出出国留学的承诺时, I knew I wanted to do something that would immerse myself into the society and culture,”她说。. “这是最好的方法, 同时完成必要的学分, 申请并承诺实习吗.”


While at 皇冠体育博彩, Margaret had interned locally at Make-A-Wish Foundation. Since the bulk of her studies focused on journalism and media communications, her internship consisted of copywriting for social channels and helping to plan annual fundraising events. With that experience, she knew what could be expected in a similar role.

Margaret’s study abroad program was managed by Central College in Iowa, which placed an emphasis on ensuring students had an internship while abroad to receive on-the-job training.


为了在国外实习, 玛格丽特抵达伦敦, 在姐妹公关度过了一个秋季学期, a creative marketing agency that focused on fashion, 食物和生活方式. As the holiday season approached, she was able to be a part of many exciting company events.

Margaret said her media and composition courses at 皇冠体育博彩 were key to her success.

作为一名实习生, 我写了副本, managed social feeds and kept track of press cuttings, and also helped develop and execute the firm’s Christmas and winter events throughout Carnaby Street, St. 马丁庭院和摄政街,”她说.

写文案的时候, you always need to be aware of your audience and know how to simplify content to match. My media and composition courses helped prepare me for that.”


Margaret’s time abroad gave her a head start in her postgraduate career in event marketing.

回到美国后, Margaret transferred to University of Missouri-Kansas City to complete a bachelor’s degree in mass communications while interning at Union Station. She was hired for a full-time position after graduating.

“I was very lucky to have gained a lot of experience in marketing, 通讯及活动,”她说。. “我最近跳槽到霍尼韦尔FM&我现在是那里的一名通讯专家.”


For students looking to find the right internship, Margaret recommends keeping an open mind.

“There will be times where your dream internship won’t work out, but no one says you only have to have one internship throughout your entire college career,”她说。. “Take on as many internships as you can manage, and as early as you can. These are experiences that shape your career path.”

皇冠体育博彩 students have quite a few options when seeking out an internship. 对玛格丽特来说,一切都始于她的教授.

“我们部门有一个健全的实习计划, where our qualified students enroll in JOUR 271: Journalism Internship and then I find them a good match,” said Associate Professor and Chair of Journalism and Media Communications Gretchen Thum. “Students like Margaret earn three hours of college credit in return for working closely with a mentor.”

Internship courses are a common feature in many 皇冠体育博彩 credit programs. Combining what you’ve learned in class with real-world experience can be a valuable tool for students looking to enter the field.

Students can also visit the 职业发展中心 for help in finding an internship. 学生可以使用 JobLinks, a free job and internship database that allows students to search for and apply to internships. There’s also a Résumé Creator for assistance in putting together a dynamic résumé.


If you're interested in an internship abroad, contact the Study Abroad Office at studyabroad@utc-eng.com 或访问他们在COM 220.

Our career development experts can help you develop the skills you need to prepare and search for a 工作或实习 在美国这里.年代,太. 参观 职业发展中心 今天在sc252开始上课!